Over 30 Years of Heat Transfer History
Product Highlights and Offering
HTRI Thermal & Hydraulic Designs
PE Structural Analysis
FEA Header & Nozzle Load Analysis
ASME Sec. VIII, Div. 1 Pressure Vessels
API-661 compliant design
National Board Certification
Canadian Registration Numbers (CRN)
Aluminum & fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) fans
Premium efficiency low voltage motors - NEMA & ATEX
Durable, high-efficiency drives–belt, gear & direct drives
OSHA-compliant fan & drive guards
Vibrations switches & transmitters
Auxiliary and Specialty Options
Header access walkways and ladders
Bug screens
Hail / Core guards
Manual or Auto actuation
All brands of pneumatic and electric actuators available
Twisted tape tube inserts (Turbulators) available to promote heat transfer of high viscosity fluids
Short-term and long-term storage preparation
Domestic and export shipping preparation
Heating Coils
Electric space heaters
Full warm-air recirculation systems
Tek-Fins has industry leading finning capacity with the ability to easily provide complete, packaged finned tubes to fulfill a variety of needs from on-site bundle repair to overflow finning for other cooler shops. Tek-Fins is also one of a very small handful of companies in North America with in-house Extruded finning capability. All finning can be performed with either customer provided tubes or Tek-Fins, Inc. can source the tubes for you.
All our fin types and finning services can be finished with any of the following options:
Aluminum bands at support locations
Copon coating for further corrosion resistance
Metalized bare tube ends
Complete domestic or export packaging and crating

L-Footed Fin
L-Footed fins, also known as Tension Wound Fins, utilizes an aluminum strip formed into an “L” shape and then tightly wound around the base of the tube. L-Footed fins are a tension pressure bonded type fin.
Tube Diameters: 0.625”, 0.75”, 1.0”, 1.25”, 1.5”, 2.0”
Fin Heights: .4375” (.625” OD), .5” (All OD’s), 0.625” (.75” to 2.0” OD)
Fins per inch: 8, 9, 10, 11
Fin Material: Aluminum
Available in lengths up to 70’
Max Process Temperature: 350 °F

Embedded Fin
Best choice for higher process temperatures, Embedded fins are produced by mechanically embedding the fin strip into a groove that is plowed into the tube wall and is further locked into place by rolls that force the groove to tightly close around the fin base.
Tube Diameters: 0.75”, 1.0”, 1.25”, 1.5”
Fin Heights: 0.625” and 0.5”
Fins per inch: 8, 9, 10, 11
Fin Material: Aluminum
Available in lengths up to 70’
Max Process Temperature: 750 °F
Extruded Fin
Extruded finned tubes provide superior external corrosion protection for extended tube life and lower life cycle operating costs. They are ideal for corrosive environmental conditions such as chemical plants and offshore environments exposed to saltwater mist. They are also highly preferred in desert environments that experience frequent sandstorms due to the strength and rigidity of the fin.
With the Extruded process, the process tube is inserted into, and fully encased by, an aluminum tube. The Extruded finning machine uses a combination of die packs to extrude and form the fins from the aluminum casing.
Tube Diameters: 1.0”, 1.25”, 1.5”
Fin Heights: 0.625” and 0.5”
Fins per inch: 10
Fin Material: Aluminum
Available in lengths up to 60'’
Max Process Temperature: 600 °F

Slotted Fin
Although Tek-Fins, Inc. does not utilize Slotted Fin in its own air-cooled heat exchanger designs, Slotted Finning services are provided to those customers who require them.
The Slotted Finning process is like that of L-Footed fins but incorporates slots punched in the fin strip to increase fin surface area thus increasing the heat transfer capability. Tek-Fins, Inc. has not performed research to validate and cannot provide a percentage of increased heat transfer.
Tube Diameters: 0.625”, 0.75”, 1.0”, 1.25”, 1.5”, 2.0”
Fin Heights: .4375” (.625” OD), .5” (All OD’s), 0.625” (.75” to 2.0” OD)
Fins per inch: 8, 9, 10, 11
Fin Material: Aluminum
Available in lengths up to 70’
Max Process Temperature: 350 °F
Tek-Fins can provide a wide range of aftermarket parts and service for any air-cooled heat exchanger regardless of original equipment manufacturing (OEM).
Direct Source ACHE Spare Parts
Fabricated Sub-Assemblies
Finned and Bare Tubes
Field Service
Startup / Commissioning Assistance
ACHE Service
ACHE Repairs